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How we Became A Successful Project Team

Improving coesxistence is one of our institution's priorities because it involves multiple benefits for the educational community and places special emphasis on improving the teaching-learning process. We base our project on peer support connoisseurs that educational practices in which the student assitants are involved, voluntarily acting in conflict, become opportunities for education and moral development. These tasks of improving the coexistence and inclusion lead to prevent: Early school leaving/ School failure / Absence.

We work in the fight against discriminationn and bullying, and aim to improve learning outcomes of students from disadvantaged backgrounds fromm innovative and integrated approaches. We seek methods for personalized teaching and learning to meet the needs of each student and projects that develop these approaches.
Our aims were the follows
- To prevent bullying through school mediation, aimed at constructive conflict resolution.

- To improve and strengthen strategies and skills needed to play the
role of mediation in conflicts.

- To improve techniques and basic skills to use in a mediation process.

- To discover innovative strategies and skills needed to perform the function of individualised tutor.

- To learn lessons from European coaching education aimed at prevention of school failure.

- To get a reduction of early school leaving in our centre.

- To promote the improvement of coexistence in the institution through the knowledge of good practices to improve coexistence.

- To create healthy learning environments to prevent truancy and
school failure.

- To create modern learning schools and methodologies of the
XXI century.

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